About Me 

I work out of a small shop that I put together in my garage on the outskirts of Lexington, Kentucky. I began making pipes in early 2022. I have been smoking and admiring pipes for a long time and I have always been fascinated by their construction. Ever since I was young my passion has been making things with my hands, so learning how to make pipes was a natural progression for me. Now that I’ve started making them, I’m not sure that I will ever be able to quit. Others have said that it turns into an addiction and I’m finding out that what they say is in fact true. When it comes to my pipes, I have high standards and the details are very important to me. My goal is to make beautiful high quality pipes that give a superb smoke. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about anything that you see here or if you are wanting to make a custom order. I look forward to sharing my craft with you.

My Process

I hand make all of my pipes from start to finish. Each stummel is uniquely drawn and most are drilled with the freehand method. My stems are all made to fit each pipe specifically and are made from rods, never pre-molded. I try to bring out the grain of the wood the best that I can and if I apply stains, they are nontoxic leather dyes. After sanding and polishing smooth, I finish each pipe with a layer of carnauba wax. I take a lot of care in making sure that each pipe flows well and is comfortable when smoking. I make sure that all of my drilling is as accurate as possible and that everything lines up well. I pay close attention to the shape of the mouthpiece; each one is made to be comfortable on the outside and has a nice taper leading to the airway on the inside. Each pipe is made to have an open but not too open draw and is able to pass a fluffy pipe cleaner easily. The engineering that makes a pipe smoke well is something that made me want to start doing this in the first place. A beautiful pipe is one thing but it’s nothing if it doesn’t smoke well. I have high standards for my pipes, and I am committed to making the best that I can for you.

My Materials

I use high quality materials bought from widely trusted sources. I use a mixture of ebauchons and plateaux blocks and I buy the highest quality briar that I can get. Sometimes I make pipes out of olivewood or Morta and my standards are the same. I keep all the blocks safely stored while they are waiting to become pipes, taking the time to make sure they are fully dry and stable before working on them. I also monitor the temperature and the humidity in my shop to make sure that the blocks don’t undergo stress from fluctuations. For my stems I use German ebonite or Italian Acrylic and I sometimes mix in different colors of each. Some other materials that I like to add in from time to time are different types of woods, horn, artificial ivory, and bamboo. I pride myself in the quality of my pipes and I go out of my way to make sure that I use the best materials available to me.